Saturday, July 30, 2011


Moving was the worst way to celebrate my 40th Birthday. In fact, it is ruining my whole summer which is my favorite season. It sure makes me wish my family was closer so we could get some help. Luckily Kevin's buddies Drew and Gustavo were willing to drip sweat from 10am to 6pm hauling our possessions from one house to the other. Now we are semi-homeless since our new home is not currently habitable. Like I said, worst birthday ever. I'm going to need to have a German Chocolate cake and a Just Dance party to celebrate once we get settled.


Natalie said...

Happy Birthday, Lori! Sorry your birthday isn't the greatest; hope you get into your house soon. Miss you guys.

Rachel Johnson said...

Not a fun birthday for sure!! You let me know when the cake and dance party party is and I will be there!!